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I am an academic associate in the Human-Centered Computing Group at the Institute of Informatics, HES-SO Valais-Wallis (Sierre, Switzerland). My research focuses on the sociological aspects of digital technology and AI, a field I have been deeply involved in since joining HES-SO in 2021.

I earned my PhD from Charles University in Prague, where I conducted research on a large digital database of oral history interviews and worked as a coordinator at the Malach Center for Visual History. Following my PhD, I pursued postdoctoral research at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, working with the Interaction and Social Practices Research Group. During this time, I expanded on my dissertation topics and led a comprehensive review of literature on video-mediated interaction. My work has also included studying classroom interactions involving digital technologies in Swiss and Czech schools, and participating in projects on human-centered architecture and AI. As part of my Fulbright scholarship at the Garfinkel Archive (Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA), I explored the early developments in sociological studies of human–AI interactions.

In recent years, I have been involved in various AI-related projects, including the use of AI/ML-powered software platforms in medicine, and detailed video-based analyses of field trials of automated buses. My ongoing research continues to explore the intersection of technology and society, aiming to contribute to our understanding of human interactions with digital and AI technologies.







Ongoing projects:

"Remembering the future: A study of work in street trials of driverless buses", SNSF Spark, 03/2024–02/2025 (PI: Jakub Mlynar). [LINK]

"TEaching RAdiomics (TERA): Shaping the future of medical education and practice with AI-based tools in cancer care", HES-SO Projets stratégiques, 11/2024–06/2025 (PI: Adrien Depeursinge).

Recent publications:

Jakub Mlynář, Lynn de Rijk, Andreas Liesenfeld, Wyke Stommel, Saul Albert, (2024), "AI in situated action: a scoping review of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic studies", AI & Society (online first). [LINK]

Clemens Eisenmann, Jakub Mlynář, Jason Turowetz, Anne Warfield Rawls, (2024), "“Machine Down”: making sense of human–computer interaction – Garfinkel’s research on ELIZA and LYRIC from 1967 to 1969 and its contemporary relevance", AI & Society, vol. 39, pp. 2715–2733. [LINK]

Esther González-Martínez, Jakub Mlynář, (2024), "Audibility and Intelligibility of Talk in Passing-By Interactions: A Methodological Puzzle", Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, vol. 25, no. 3. [LINK]

Jakub Mlynář, Adrien Depeursinge, John O. Prior, Roger Schaer, Alexandre Martroye de Joly, Florian Evéquoz, (2024), "Making sense of radiomics: insights on human–AI collaboration in medical interaction from an observational user study", Frontiers in Communication, vol. 8, pp. 1234987. [LINK]

Jakub Mlynář, Jiří Kocián, Hryhorii Maliukov, Karin Roginer Hofmeister, (2025), "Story alteration in oral history retellings: Methods of comparative work", Narrative Inquiry (online first). [LINK]